Monday, August 10, 2020

The Important War Against Child Trafficking - #SaveTheChildren

This commentary is from a friend of Children and SF&ST-

 - Child trafficking has been a significant problem for years
 - Masks and fear of COVID 19 may be making it worse
 - Kids need to be back in school "as normal"
 - More focus needs to be placed on issue to stop child trafficking

Child trafficking has been a big problem before, but, it is massive now that we can so easily hide children and others in plain daylight and our see something say something radar is down.

And the science isn’t there for this kind of long term mask wear and cost vs benefit. Not there at all. We are weakening immune systems (bubble theory) by staying masked, locked away from our loved ones etc. Kids are virulent against this. They just are g BH ring tested more right now because of school. Cases are going up because we are testing more, death rates go down.

The survival rate is 99.74 and likely improving as time goes on, regardless of draconian measures in place for months now. It’s time to stop being afraid and go back to normal. We know the tests are faulty, treatment has been suppressed, and vaccines are being rushed. Kids need to be around each other in school. Not masked. Not apart. Normal.

They help improve all of our micro-biomes and we need them to do our “dirty work” in order build us all up.

Look at Sweden and look at South Dakota. We went with a theory and they were the control groups and if this all worked, we should see massive devastation there.

It just isn’t. It’s 5 months later and they are locking down tighter and tighter. It’s not working yet these people seem drunk on power. Continuing to crash our economy, print money and kill livelihoods. It’s not about the virus to me. Wouldn’t we otherwise decide the risk to be worth it?

A 1% drop in employment equals 30k deaths. We had a 14% change in unemployment. That’s depressing math. The cure is worse than the disease and now it’s making it easier to commit all
Kinda of crimes, including child trafficking.

Plus they are accessing the kids through the internet in creative ways I never knew about. We all need to be braver for these kids and others. The number is more like 800,000 in this country alone.

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