Sunday, October 18, 2009

Dear Congressman/Senator: Not THIS Health Care Reform

If passed, the various health care reform bills in Congress may be the worst legislative events in the history of the United States. This legislation may single-handedly undermine the financial integrity of our government and country.

While there are numerous legitimate goals for health care and health-finance reform, the legislative efforts so far indicate that the real purpose of the Democrats is to initiate the take over the entire US health care system. Of the many short-comings of proposed legislation, the more significant criticisms include:

1 - The high cost (which Congress has obscured), increased premiums and taxes,
2 - The lack of interstate competition
3 - The failure to rein in malpractive lawsuits and related costs
4 - The failure to provide effective incentives to draw more people into the system (current proposals leave more than 15-20 million uninsured.)
5 - The failure to equalize tax effects of buying insurance between individuals and corporations.

The current proposals will greatly increase the cost of private health insurance, discourage people from having health insurance, and increase the incentives for people to depend on the Federal/State government for the costs of health care. Your continued support of the this legislation is a significant mistake for the citizens of your state and the entire country.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

America is Exceptional

America is the greatest country in the world. Most Americans understand this and believe in it. Many previous adminstrations and leaders have talked openly about American "exceptionalism". The Wall Street Journal captured the essence of my concern (and I suspect many others) with the award of the Noble Peace Prize to President Obama. I remember how proud many were every time an American won the Noble Prize for anything.

But this time, the lack of accomplishment of President Obama reveals a hidden bias of the Nobel Prize committee (which are appointed by the Norwegian Government). This bias is in favor of an "unexceptional America". That why I am less than excited with this year's award.

Ten Best Reasons to Oppose Health Care Reform

Most of us are not opposed to health care reform (See this Washington Post link for an excellent primer on health insurnace in the US.) and most of us agree on objectives. My concern is that the leaders driving the reform bus (President Obama and Congressional Democrats) are not genuine in their real purpose. Accordingly, their legislative prosposals seem inconsistent with their goals.

For example, there is little in the bills to reduce or control costs. The current Senate Finance plan does not have any limitations on medical malpractice lawsuits. Too many Americans will remain uncovered (25 million). And, two essential elements of reform i.) tax equalization, and ii.) interstate competition of insurance companies are nowhere in sight. For those that prefer shorthand, here are the ten best reasons to oppose the current health care reform proposals:
  1. Key and critical provisions are missing. a) Malpractice reform, b) tax equalization and c) interstate competition of health care insurance companies.
  2. Costs are excessive. CBO estimates are based on many flawed assumptions. If medicare savings could be easily realized, why hasn't Washington done it before now.
  3. Massive implicit tax increases. The Finance Committee proposal has $400 billion in tax increases. While proposed to be levied on insurance companies, if enacted at all as described, they will be pass throughs to beneficiaries.