Saturday, August 8, 2020

More on Mass Mail In Voting; Possible and Likely Irregularities

There are inherent flaws in vote by mail if not set up correctly. While it does work in places, there are still flaws in the process that leaves open the potential for voting irregularities.

Absentee voting is different because the process has been in place for a long time in all states, it requires voters to request a ballot, and it was not rushed into practice.

The single biggest flaw is that it is being rushed by states with no time to establish near full proof procedures. Readers should also see clearly this is being pushed by Democrats that perceive an advantage for their candidates.

A better system can and should be established for "digital voting" but that system would require up to a year to establish procedures that should then be tested fully. 

As a reminder, anyone with safety and health concerns can request an "absentee ballot" to vote without going to a polling place. 

(Readers should be aware that most voting management of any system occurs at the county level with some procedures for voting integrity at the precinct level. This makes any changes difficult to manage in a rush where so many people are involved, that have to be trained on how to avoid and limit irregularities.)

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