Thursday, February 9, 2017

Dignity in Political Debate - Why it is Important and Becoming Rare

“We are becoming a society incapable of having debates,”

Below is a link to a video link of an eloquent speech on the need for dignity in political debates. Something for all US Citizens and government officials to consider. Please watch and Share.

“I want people to think about our politics here today in America,” Rubio exhorted his colleagues. “Because I’m telling you guys, I don’t know of a single nation in the history of the world that’s been able to solve its problems when half the people in the country absolutely hate the other half of people in that country.”
“This is not a partisan issue, it really is not. Turn on the news and watch these parliaments around the world where people throw chairs at each other, and punches. And ask yourself ‘how does that make you feel about those countries?’ Doesn’t give you a lot of confidence about those countries.”
Rubio continued, saying the nation and the U.S. Senate is “flirting” with becoming the sort of place where reasonable disagreement and debate is dead.

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