Sunday, January 22, 2017

Voter Fraud, Suppression & Poor Turnout

Here is a great article regarding concerns with voter fraud, suppression and hacking.  I have excerpted a portion of the entire article which is relevant to the media hysteria regarding Russian activities. It is simpler to believe the Russians changed the results of the Presidential election,  but that belief is not a simple fact.

Three key facts:
1- Whoever gained access to DNC emails or John Podesta emails only revealed what our politicians thought in private. If that impacted voters, maybe it was properly relevant to voter choices. The key "hack" only accessed private emails which showed these private conversations.

2- A significant number of eligible voters in America did not vote at all. Some protesters have admitted they did not vote. Over 30% of eligible voters did not participate.

3- Many votes were cast by voters with limited information about important issues. Voter misinformation resulted from media bias, poor knowledge of history and civics, lack of effort to be informed, and "fake news."

Below is a valuable excerpt on voter fraud and suppression. Consider reading entire article in the link.

From Voter Fraud Is Real

"Is Russia “Hacking the election”? People seem to be misunderstanding the subject of Russia and the U.S. elections. Since it is related to this topic, let’s clarify it. There is no claim that Russia was tampering with elections by tampering with ballots, or that the Russian state was interfering with U.S. elections directly. Some claim that hacks leading to some Wikileaks and DCLeaks documents, and some potentially unrelated “scanning and probing” of election rolls, could be related to Russia due to the size and scope of the hacks. It has been speculated by officials that only a major entity from a developed nation could have the tools needed to do this, so that narrows down the suspects. There are also accusations that the timing of the Wikileaks and their focus on Democrats is purposefully lopsided. In all cases, the motive is essentially the same. One can’t take America or a major party down with a direct hit, so manipulating the frustration Americans feel and using social media to funnel that frustration toward “the establishment” is a simple tactic that anyone can effectively employ to “divide the house.” In this way, the idea is to indirectly tamper, to make Americans think Russia is involved and question the results, but to keep things so gray-area and confusing no-one really knows for sure. I am not sure that Democrats and Republicans need much help going for each other’s throats, but of course an obvious tactic is to spur it along (just like when Germany sent Lenin back to Russia when he was exiled there; you don’t interfere directly, you use KGB-style subversion). That is the context, but it is all side points as we don’t know who the actors are for sure! Hacking, like wide-scale fraud, may be suspected, but it is not known. The real subtext is much clearer than the details. When we divide as a nation, we weaken ourselves. This is a benefit for our “opponents” whoever they may be and whether they are involved or not. What we know is that 1. No known voter fraud has been proven to have occurred. 2. Russia wasn’t accused of voter fraud. 3. The general idea is that “others” benefit from the U.S. being divided over elections. It doesn’t matter if Russia or Assange did or didn’t do anything; it matters how we react. When we refuse to accept the results of the election or cry “corruption,” we start down a slippery slope. We begin to act as “useful idiots.” This isn’t a mandate to hide from truth, it is a mandate to use critical thinking to find deeper truths. You can get all sides of the story here, here, and here. Hacking isn’t an issue to be dismissed. This is a time to be critical and to look hard to spot different types of truth without forgetting all Americans have a responsibility to safeguard our nation from any attempts to disrupt our political process, foreign or domestic.
Do the Leaked Emails Prove Voter Fraud? The leaks noted above show evidence of some legal, but underhanded, tactics used by the DNC, which is a private organization like the RNC. This fits in what has been long known. Some members of both parties are willing to stoop to shady practices at times on small scale, and not every tactic in politics is altruistic. Anyone who has read the father of political science Machiavelli knows this. Even the most scathing third party articles end up telling a rather ordinary story of mundane political tactics in-line with what one would expect. That which isn’t grey-area suppression tends not to be about voter fraud or suppression. Anyone who reads about the history of elections knows both sides have historically “gone low” at times. The DNC and RNC are giant political machines; they aren’t official government entities. Nothing about the election news cycle regarding Russia or the leaks hints at a widespread voter fraud. Instead, the news cycle on the left and right reinforces the main point of this page, which is underhanded tactics, especially divisive propaganda wherever it may originate, and a lack of a participatory informed electorate is causing our main problems. The best way to combat this problem is to get out and vote. Only 40%+ are coming out in off-years.
TIP: The ironic part is that the main reason politicians get away with legal voter fraud and suppression is due to low voter turnout. When people believe in the system and come out as an informed participatory electorate, it is near impossible to rig local, state, or federal elections. John Oliver did a whole very watchable segment on the importance of participating in local and state elections, check it out."

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