Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Holding the Media Accountable for Bias

The media apologists are out in full force, outraged over the recent "President-Elect" tongue lashing given to some in the media. While there are no official reports about the meeting, other media outlets have whined about PEOTUS "clearing the air". The point of this analysis is not to defend PEOTUS but simply point out the role of the media in our public discourse. Here are the Simple Facts:

1- The media took sides in the recent election.
They ignored substantial concerns with one candidate while reporting every detrimental story about the another candidate. They met with the favorite candidate and frequently used the talking points of that candidate. In addition, the media coached and collaborated with one candidate while ignoring information that was favorable to the opponent. (Much of this revealed by Wikileaks.)

2- The media used various forms of bias.
Besides obvious bias, the media reported negative stories of only one candidate. Interviews of alleged unbiased commentators were aired while excluding a comparable commentator with different views. They also chose quotes without context or interpretation.

3- The media did little to critique itself. 
Some current media defenders never spoke out about the bias and lack of context in reporting.

4- Denigration of supporters of one candidate is another bias tool. 
Often spoken were the words "non-college educated white voters." This trick continues to be used by the implication that "the alt right" is typical of the president elects supporters. Yet for years, the media refuse to report on other groups with inflammatory, if not violent, words and actions.

5- Report, and report again, of a news story also belies bias. 
Stories sympathetic to the left "point of view" are reported ad nauseum and reports that are in opposition to that point of view are ignored or receive minimal attention. Ferguson is one of the best examples. When this technique is used, context is left by the wayside. Often facts are also ignored.

There are thousands and thousands of examples of these tools of bias being used by the media. The simple truth is that most forms of media are not reliable reporting of critical information to Americans. It is beyond question that this bias exists and needs to be purged from the major forms of information gathering in reporting in America.

Here is how Americans can swing the news reporting pendulum back into balance:

  • First, observe and point out these examples of bias too many that you come in contact with. And easy way to do this is through social media.
  • Second, do not use forms of media that you believe have been unreasonably biased. Reduced subscriptions and ratings will punish these media outlets economically.
  • Third, seek out other forms of information they provide you more balanced and reliable information.
  • Fourth, take the time to send letters and notes to advertisers that subsidize this biased activity.

Readers should not succumb to progressive outrage that has little intellectual integrity. One claim is that PEOTUS should not get to tell the media what to report. Of course not. That does not restrict his "freedom of speech."

Again hypocrisy runs amok with liberals and progressives as they quickly forget the explicit efforts of "their" President Obama. Early in his term, he excluded certain primary news channels who asked tough questions in their coverage.

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