Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Most Important Election Ever

From this point forward, this blog will be focused on giving friends and followers information that leads to the conclusion that voters should "Vote Em All Out". My orientation comes from living in Central Illinois and seeing the negative turn of events in our country. From where I sit, Obama was a "bait and switch" candidate. He lead the country to believe that he would be post-politics, consensus builder, post racial and new age world leader. In fact, he is simply a socialist.

And, he has too many enablers in Congress. Not all members of Congress are socialists. Some are. But the democratic leadership and majority support too many of his policies. These policies are either socialistic, or are designed to reduce freedoms, or to nationalize the US economy. Enough is enough. The worst of these are:
  • ObamaCare
  • Tax and Trade (tax)
  • FinReg

And Illinois is not better. Illinois is behind 5-6 months in paying its bills. Its pension obligations can never be met without taxing the state into oblivion. And if a state could be bankrupt, Illinois would be.

It is time to Vote Em All Out ("VEAO"). We would be better of with a whole new group of elected leaders in the Federal government and in Illinois. While these posts, won't duck local issues, the focus will be on national and state issues.

Critics might point out that we would be giving up either experienced leaders or effective leaders. That may be. But, the benefits of reminding all elected leaders that they can be held accountable is worth the cost. In general, a whole new group, can't be worse. In calling for VEAO, this blog does not suggest that every voter should vote out every leader. It does mean hold them all accountable.

In future posts, this blog will be a depository of what is wrong with the federal government and Illinois government and issues that voters should consider when deciding who to vote for. In many cases, the blog will link readers to articles and analysis from around the country. The focus will also be on races where readers of this blog can influence with their vote. That will mean the IL Congressional 17th District. The IL governor, the IL US Senate race, and, IL legislative races for central Illinois.

This blog will also suggest the most important issues to consider in the upcoming election and policies on those issues to measure candidates against.

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