Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Defending Don Imus???? Not me

This blogger would never defend Don Imus. Nor any other mouthpieces of slime that exist on the airwaves. The world would be a better place with less of them and more decorum.

However, I am troubled by the piling on that is occurring. Many can easily chastise Mr. Imus, but remain silent and out of sight when other mainstream commentators call for our President's assasination, death to the vice president and demands for annialation of Americans coming from the middle east.

We seem to have lost our moral compass. We no longer know right from wrong. As one analyst said, either it is all ok, or it is all not ok. It would be greatly preferable if there was more simple decency in the world and more self-restraint. It is preferable for the mainstream media to have the common sense and fairness to expect more, expect decency and to denounce all forms of hate speach.

And another thing. Are attacks on Imus being used by some to perpetuate the dieing myth of racism in America today? Perhaps. For sure there are still racists in the America. But racism has long ago slipped from the fiber of many Americans. Now these many Americans want desperately to be fair and be sure that every chance is given to those deserving of it.

But. Where would the defenders of minorities be today without a villain like Imus? Where would they be without the ugly head of racism to drag through the streets? They might have to take up a new crusade to teach decency, hard work, self-responsibility, learning and initiative. But do they know how to teach that? Could they perform that task? There is the question that leads to the simple truth.

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