Monday, August 3, 2020

Why Do Teachers Unions Want to Shut Down Schools? Easy Answer

Answer: Defeat Trump in Election

It is that simple. By keeping schools closed, Democrats and Teachers Unions are disrupting families, business, the economy, and, the election campaign. Democrats and their supporters will do anything to defeat Donald Trump.

A reader does not have to support Trump to recognize how insidious this effort is. Teachers unions have a long history of promoting their political agenda over the interest of kids and families.

The science is clear that kids should go back to school. The primary reasons are:

  1. Kids need an education and online/at-home education was an abject failure last spring.
  2. Kids are at very low risk of becoming infected, becoming sick or very sick, at low risk of infecting anyone else.
  3. Kids not being at school has adverse consequences including in-adequate nutrition, family tensions, reduced detection of child abuse, and, reduced family income.
  4. Teachers have a low risk of becoming ill or very ill due to their age characteristics. 
Medical experts across the country have come out in strong support for kids returning to school. The American Association of Pediatricians have publicly advocated for kids to return to school.

The CDC is recently on the record warning of significant health consequences of not reopening schools. See the following:

Click here for CNBV video.

Click here for page and article.

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