Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Do You Understand The Electoral College

A common discussion after some Presidential elections (and this year) is whether the Electoral College is an effective process to elect Presidents. Here are some Simple Facts:
  1. The Constitution establishes the Electoral College; it is the Supreme law of the US.
  2. The Electoral College has been in place since the founding of the Country in 1786 (230 years).
  3. If citizens don't like it, citizens may AMEND the Constitution.
  4. Protesters who engage in violence and anarchy, you will go to Jail.
  5. The purpose of the Electoral College was to protect smaller states from tyranny of large states.

If you want to learn something, read/watch the following essays about the reasons for the Electoral College.

Prager U - The Electoral College

WSJ - Excellent Electoral College (may require subscription)

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