Sunday, April 29, 2012

What is Simple about Facts and Truth?

More is simple than you realize. Many important issues facing our country are really quite simple when you simply want to make America great. If you decide to check in here over the next few months, you will have a chance to learn how simple the facts and truth are. The reason I write on these topics is to offer readers and my fellow Americans a chance to gain an insight on facts and truth on issues affecting America.

America is exceptional and if you don't agree then you will find little of value here. Exceptional does not mean that we should rub other countries nose in it. It does not mean that America should be condescending or demanding. Simply put - we should not be apologetic about our exceptional-ism. Be proud of what we are and what we stand for. The world is a better place when we respect all views and peoples.

In coming posts, I will offer several types of information for your consideration. 1) I will try to inform about important issues facing the country and the coming elections. Key issues for our country are education, economic growth, energy independence, terrorism, federalism, federal spending - debt and deficits and voter empowerment.  2) I will focus on information in the media that I think helps frame these issues. 3) I will encourage you to be informed, to vote and to demonstrate that this country exists to serve the interests of its people, not the other way around.

One last think you can expect. The educators, politicians and the media have failed in informing the public to make wise choices in self governance. Examples and criticism will be free flowing on this topic so that any reader can call out their favorite educator, politician or media outlet

I welcome your comments and disagreements. However, I will not tolerate rudeness or comments that are clear attempts to mislead readers. No demagoguery here. For the record, I don't like labels as they oversimplify important ideas and people. But, if you must, I tend to think like a conservative and libertarian and vote Republican most of the time.

Lets get to the simple facts and simple truth.

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