Friday, March 16, 2007

Oh Spare Me; Shouldn't the Outrage be to the Hubster

Congress is having a hysterical hyssie-fit today over poor Valerie and the mean White House for exposing her status as a CIA employee. The simple truth is that this whole issue is nothing but politics and part of the ongoing campaign by "dummiecrats" and "mediacrats" to disparage and tear down George Bush. Nothing more. Nothing.

Simple Facts:

  • Valerie worked for the CIA
  • Valerie was at one point (years ago - 5) a covert operative
  • Valerie recommended to CIA leadership that her "hubster" (based on his diplomatic credentials)to go to Nigeria and explore possibility that Iraq was trying to buy uranium. Joe did go
  • Joe did report back that Iraq'i operatives had been in Nigeria exploring "business transactions" (which were widely believed by Joe and CIA was "code word" for uranium.
  • Joe wrote an article in major newspaper attacking White House assertions that Iraq wanted to acquire nuclear material.
  • Joe was politically connected to John Kerry.
  • White House operatives (Rove, Cheney, Libby and likely others) went into discredit mode to counter a major political piece against their policies.
  • US Attorney assigned to investigate White House alleged "outing" of Valerie found no criminal actions in statements made about Valerie and Joe.

Simple Truth

  • Valerie was not a covert operative
  • She should not have recommended her own husband for a mission (bad judgement)
  • Joe should not be wading into the political arena attacking his "client" (White House and CIA) if he didn't want the political guns turned back on him and Valerie.
  • Valerie's outrage is better placed on the Hubster for exposing her.
  • Valerie is D.D.G. (email me for definition)
  • This whole episode is politics and self-promotion (thanks for the book Joe)

For those reading this that want more detailed and specific information, read this.

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