Sunday, August 5, 2007

Did We All Fail when the Bridge Collapsed?

First, let me express sympathy for the families that are missing their loved ones in Minnesota.

The possible cracks in the Minnesota bridge reveal the cracks in our democracy that risk the collapse of what we cherish.

I would stand at the front of the line defending our system of government. Yet, it has its deficiencies. Like cracks in a bridge, our system has cracks that we may have noticed in an inspection, but, fail to repair.

The news accounts now inform us that the Minnesota bridge was "structurally deficient" similar to thousands of other bridges that we drive on. Tonight's news revealed that reports in 2005 and 2006 revealed serious concerns. These same cracks were viewable in New Orleans. Also in the anti-terrorism group in Washington. These cracks are clearly visible in our education system (i.e. drop out rates, education achievement, school violence, and poor college persistence).

Monday, July 30, 2007

Immigration According to Teddy

Teddy Rooselvelt that is...

"Those that do not learn the lessons of history are bound to repeat the mistakes of the past." We frequently look for an original way to think or comment on important issues when others before us have "nailed the issue". The debate on immigration could be helped by considering the views of a previous American president.

Theodore Roosevelt's ideas on Immigrants and being an AMERICAN in 1907.

"In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American. There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who say s he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag. We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language, and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."

Theodore Roosevelt 1907

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Defending Don Imus???? Not me

This blogger would never defend Don Imus. Nor any other mouthpieces of slime that exist on the airwaves. The world would be a better place with less of them and more decorum.

However, I am troubled by the piling on that is occurring. Many can easily chastise Mr. Imus, but remain silent and out of sight when other mainstream commentators call for our President's assasination, death to the vice president and demands for annialation of Americans coming from the middle east.

We seem to have lost our moral compass. We no longer know right from wrong. As one analyst said, either it is all ok, or it is all not ok. It would be greatly preferable if there was more simple decency in the world and more self-restraint. It is preferable for the mainstream media to have the common sense and fairness to expect more, expect decency and to denounce all forms of hate speach.

And another thing. Are attacks on Imus being used by some to perpetuate the dieing myth of racism in America today? Perhaps. For sure there are still racists in the America. But racism has long ago slipped from the fiber of many Americans. Now these many Americans want desperately to be fair and be sure that every chance is given to those deserving of it.

But. Where would the defenders of minorities be today without a villain like Imus? Where would they be without the ugly head of racism to drag through the streets? They might have to take up a new crusade to teach decency, hard work, self-responsibility, learning and initiative. But do they know how to teach that? Could they perform that task? There is the question that leads to the simple truth.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Oh Spare Me; Shouldn't the Outrage be to the Hubster

Congress is having a hysterical hyssie-fit today over poor Valerie and the mean White House for exposing her status as a CIA employee. The simple truth is that this whole issue is nothing but politics and part of the ongoing campaign by "dummiecrats" and "mediacrats" to disparage and tear down George Bush. Nothing more. Nothing.

Simple Facts:

  • Valerie worked for the CIA
  • Valerie was at one point (years ago - 5) a covert operative
  • Valerie recommended to CIA leadership that her "hubster" (based on his diplomatic credentials)to go to Nigeria and explore possibility that Iraq was trying to buy uranium. Joe did go
  • Joe did report back that Iraq'i operatives had been in Nigeria exploring "business transactions" (which were widely believed by Joe and CIA was "code word" for uranium.
  • Joe wrote an article in major newspaper attacking White House assertions that Iraq wanted to acquire nuclear material.
  • Joe was politically connected to John Kerry.
  • White House operatives (Rove, Cheney, Libby and likely others) went into discredit mode to counter a major political piece against their policies.
  • US Attorney assigned to investigate White House alleged "outing" of Valerie found no criminal actions in statements made about Valerie and Joe.

Simple Truth

  • Valerie was not a covert operative
  • She should not have recommended her own husband for a mission (bad judgement)
  • Joe should not be wading into the political arena attacking his "client" (White House and CIA) if he didn't want the political guns turned back on him and Valerie.
  • Valerie's outrage is better placed on the Hubster for exposing her.
  • Valerie is D.D.G. (email me for definition)
  • This whole episode is politics and self-promotion (thanks for the book Joe)

For those reading this that want more detailed and specific information, read this.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Are the Terrorists Winning?

The terrororists are winning. They are winning if they in fact have turned popular opinion against the idea of introducing democracy in the middle east. Not that anyone has denounced the virtues of democracy.

What has become "mainstream" thinking is that the price of democracy is not worth the cost.

Perhaps when we started to bring democracy to the middle east, some favored the goals. Now that the price is more clear and expensive (i.e. lives, injuries, money and world condemnation), the "groupthink" in the US has determined it is no longer worth the price.

The real issue should not be either the goal, or, whether the cost is too high. The real issue should be the competence of the administration and military leaders that keep saying "stay the course" nd add a few more troops.

In a democracy, public support is essential.
The breakdown of support may be partially due to media spin and bias. Yet, the important source of public dismay is results. We are clearly a "results oriented society". The results must be timely and proportionate to the costs. When this equation breaks down, public support wanes.

Win, Lose or Draw in Iraq?

The buzzards are circling because the elite are sure they can overwhelm Bush about Iraq. Should we admit defeat? Should we withdraw? Should we allow one more American soldier to die?

Kerry, Kennedy & Pellozi (K^2 & P; and the list of Dummiecrat candidates for President) have it all figured out. Bush lied. Bush is stupid. Anything he says is untrue. The only solution is for Bush to simply admit he is an idiot and withdraw. Only then will all of the worlds problems be over.

Simple Facts -
It is deeply regrettable to lose one American life in combat.
War is hell. There is nothing good about it.
Every war has been full of uncertainty, doubt and remorse.
Iraq has made many political advances including several popular elections, an elected parliament and leadership in less than four years.
The Iraqi Prime Minister has been in office six months.
Al Queda, Iran & Syria, and other foreign fighters, are formenting much (not all) of the violence in Iraq.

The Democrat leaders have no serious policy ideas about what to do in Iraq other than to withdraw and capitulate. Ask and listen to their tortured answers.

Simple Truth -
The K^2P crowd and other leftist liberal Bush hating Dummiecrats hate anything to do with Bush. Their are genetically incapable of considering policy issues that he has proposed or trying to manage. They have no implementable ideas unless you suspend knowledge as to the effects or consequences of their ideas. If we pulled back or out of Iraq based upon any arbitrary timetable, we could be certain of a resurgence of anarchy, autocracy and a new home for state sponsored terrorism. The Simple Truth is that many in the middle east or intent on denying the people of the Middle East democracy.

The Simple Truth is that while we may need to stay committed to our goals and objectives, we could benefit from a healthy debate about tactics and effectiveness. It is truly a travesty to our democracy that the Dummiecrats have chosen not to participate.

Korea & the United Nation

Simple facts -
North Korea is nuts.
North Korea is a significant risk to the US due to the possibility they give "WMD" to a terrorist group. It is well documented that they have exported missle technology to Iran and other countries in the Middle East. It is likely that they would give or sell technology to our adversaries.

The UN is incapable of asserting restraint over them. China and Russia see North Korea and other rogue states as a counter balance to US influence in the world.

Simple Truth -
The US and western allies cannot rely on the UN. We should halt the pretense that the UN is effective. We must defend our national interests. We need to look for ways to up the stakes with countries that don't act to limit the activities to dangerous adversaries.

Would the Foley Controversy Sink Republicans

This post was originally written by the writer in October, 2006 and published in another blog.


Simple facts.

He is not accused of having sex with a minor. Apparently he was flirting. He deserves to be run out of Congress. Other colleagues in Congress are not nearly as reprehensible as past Dems including the revered "Clinton". (Does anyone recall that he was having sex in the White House with an intern while his wife and daughter were upstairs? Talk about double standard.)

Simple Truth.

Time to move on to real policy issues. Hastert is weak and should have been replaced as Speaker for other reasons. Conservative causes need a better advocate in one of the most prominent positions in the world. Foley issue is a ruse. Ignore it. Stick to the substance.

State of Denial

Bob Woodward is a great journalist and should be accepted as credible. He intends well and believes what he writes. But, war is hell and littered with errors, disappointments and thousands of revisionist historians.

We have not had to ever face an enemy to democracy, freedom and the American way of life that we now face with fundamentalist terrorists. We may never understand them due to the huge difference in values. What would be nice to understand and debate is ourselves and the moderates in the world that pretend to share our values. Where is the outrage?
Outrage? Over what?

Lack of respect for life. Lack of value of education and enlightenment. Lack of regard for women and basic human rights. Most that express outrage over one policy or misstep, verbally and mentally ignore the ugly reality of the world and values of that the terrorists believe in.
We must overcome.

Simple Truth

Bush and his administration are not in a "State of Denial". They are determined to defend our country, allies and way of life. There is no alternative. Of course, conversation snippets can be taken out of context. Of course, some military leaders have other points of view. They always have. They have in every war fought in this nation.

Lets debate the real issues. What can we do better? Where do we fight next? How do we defend ourselves better? What new ideas will help us overcome?

What is Simple Facts & Simple Truth

Politicians, pundits and the media has mastered the skill of confusion and obfuscation. The purpose of this blog is to discuss important ideas effecting our country and values with an emphasis on The Simple Facts & Simple Truth. In this blog we will discuss important policies, values and strategies with a simple and direct approach. We will endeavor to present the Facts and the Truth. Keep in mind that context is everything in understanding the major issues facing our world. We hope that you will welcome this point of view and vist us here often.