Friday, September 4, 2020

Why Not "Send In The Troops?"

Not Simple Facts But Simple Truth

Townhall Magazine
The failure of Democrat Governors and Mayors makes it very difficult for the Federal Government to help. The devil is in the details. 

Click on this Link to see the article.

"Bottom Line: All in all, sending military forces into a non-permissive environment in a blue city is a recipe for disaster."

".......... What do the troops actually do [without local approval and support]? Patrol? Got to wait on our vehicles. Do they go arrest looters? For what? If the looters violate federal law – like crossing a state line to riot – that’s easy. You hook them up, turn them over to the federal cops and the US attorney prosecutes them. But what if they commit a state crime, which most routine crimes are? In LA ‘92, we grabbed a crook and handed him over to the LAPD and he went to jail and got prosecuted. But the Portland police will be ordered not to cooperate. Moreover, the Portland DA will not charge them, much less prosecute them. What do you do with them? How do the feds hold a rioter for a state crime that he is not charged with?........"