Monday, February 13, 2017

Former ‘Border Czar’ Gives Real Facts About Immigration

"Alan Bersin says a border wall won’t address the real challenges confronting the U.S. border enforcement system: hopelessly understaffed immigration courts and lawlessness and poverty in Central America."

Immigration Article from Knowledgable Insider

Saturday, February 11, 2017

ISLAM at the Cross-Roads of Reformation or Self-Destruction (and so is the West)

A simple explanation about the truth of Islam .In one person's view. Please like and share. Be informed and inform others.

Climate Change Scam: UN Official Confirms our Worst Fears; Media Silent

Once again, another senior government official or high-ranking scientist in the “man-made global climate change” crowd has come out and admitted the “science” is, at best, sketchy — and the data corrupt and manipulated.
And, once again, it’s a story that should be a blockbuster, yet has been flatly ignored by the mainstream media, whom many believe to be complicit in this worldwide ruse.

See entire article by clicking on the following link: 
Link to News Article on Allen B West

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Dignity in Political Debate - Why it is Important and Becoming Rare

“We are becoming a society incapable of having debates,”

Below is a link to a video link of an eloquent speech on the need for dignity in political debates. Something for all US Citizens and government officials to consider. Please watch and Share.