Friday, January 27, 2017

The Case for US Border Security. What most will NOT say. Or Admit.

The attached video is a fair recap of US Border Security and issues around having a wall. The video asks questions that should be considered. Watch the video:

Often left out of the debate around US Mexican border security is the right of American "Citizens" to be protected from threats to their safety. It is true that border security creates adverse consequences. However, the lack of border security also creates adverse consequences to American Citizens.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Voter Fraud, Suppression & Poor Turnout

Here is a great article regarding concerns with voter fraud, suppression and hacking.  I have excerpted a portion of the entire article which is relevant to the media hysteria regarding Russian activities. It is simpler to believe the Russians changed the results of the Presidential election,  but that belief is not a simple fact.

Three key facts:
1- Whoever gained access to DNC emails or John Podesta emails only revealed what our politicians thought in private. If that impacted voters, maybe it was properly relevant to voter choices. The key "hack" only accessed private emails which showed these private conversations.

2- A significant number of eligible voters in America did not vote at all. Some protesters have admitted they did not vote. Over 30% of eligible voters did not participate.

3- Many votes were cast by voters with limited information about important issues. Voter misinformation resulted from media bias, poor knowledge of history and civics, lack of effort to be informed, and "fake news."

Below is a valuable excerpt on voter fraud and suppression. Consider reading entire article in the link.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Bernie: "America Not Compassionate" WRONG!

Bernie Sanders said today that "America is not a Compassionate Society" This is what is wrong with Progressives, Liberals and Some Democrats. And Bernie.
Our "society" has agreed to $trillions in taxes used to pay benefits in America to people that need help. It takes the form of food stamps, Section 8 housing, Medicaid (health care for the poor), and hundreds of other programs for people in need. We also provide an array of programs to educate and retrain people.
The values that made America the country it is today is liberty and self-reliance. And Compassion. When Europeans came across the Atlantic, they did not have a government to refuel their ships. When settlers traveled through the West, they had little or nothing from the US government to support them. They survived on self-reliance and grit. We have never been a country that values government supporting "everyone". Most businesses have thrived on sheer determination, not government support.
And yet, we (as an American Society) have been willing to provide these $trillions to help our fellow man. And that doesn't include $trillions more than come through private donations and contributions.
And, while we are at it, who but America shows up all over the world to help those in need. Have these progressives forgot about Europe and Hitler, or our disaster relief in Thailand, Earthquake relief in Pakistan, or never ending offers of aid to China, Russia and other countries. And don't overlook the military commitments to keep the world safe paid for by America.
Bernie Sanders is wrong! If you support him you are ignorant or subscribe to un-American values. Condemn his comments or choose another more compassionate country to live in.